gRPC: Microservices API Invocation Framework
Vikas Keskar
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6 min read


gRPC (gRPC Remote Procedure Call) is a high-performance, open-source remote procedure call (RPC) framework developed by Google basically to connect with a large number of microservices. It uses Protocol Buffers, a binary serialization format, to define and serialize APIs and messages sent between client and server applications.

Developers can define services using Protocol Buffers, and gRPC generates server and client code in multiple languages, making it easier to create distributed applications that can communicate with each other seamlessly. One key feature is its support for bi-directional streaming, which can result in significant performance improvements

Background and Problem Statement
Microservices communication using gRPC is not without its challenges, as it requires comprehensive configuration of services, client-server code generation, and Protocol Buffers for message serialization. As a result, developers have struggled with multilingual support, and communication flow with gRPC, both of which have made it challenging for them to integrate gRPC in high-throughput applications without a well-defined setup process. A no-nonsense, stepwise method to set up gRPC in a distributed manner.
Defining Service Interfaces and Messages
Setting up gRPC requires defining service interfaces and messages using Protocol Buffers, which can be complex for developers unfamiliar with serialization formats.
Code Generation Across Multiple Languages
Generating client and server code in multiple languages based on Protocol Buffers definitions can be error-prone, especially when working across different development environments and ensuring compatibility.
Optimizing Performance for Efficient Communication
Ensuring efficient communication between microservices requires configuring bi-directional streaming and optimizing performance, which can be challenging to fine-tune for high-throughput applications.
Securing gRPC Communication
Properly securing gRPC communication with TLS and authentication requires careful setup to ensure secure and reliable data transfer between services, avoiding potential vulnerabilities.

Solution Details

This solution demonstrates how to set up a basic gRPC communication system using Node.js. It involves creating both a server and a client based on Protocol Buffers to facilitate efficient and strongly-typed data exchange.

(i): Dummy Image


HTTP/2 (Hypertext Transfer Protocol version 2) is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol used to transfer data between a web server and a web browser. It was developed by the HTTP Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and was published in May 2015.

HTTP/2 was designed to address the limitations and performance issues of HTTP/1.1, which has been the predominant protocol used on the web since 1999.

Key features

  • Multiplexing: HTTP/2 allows for multiple requests and responses to be sent and received simultaneously over a single TCP connection. Which helps to reduce latency.
  • Server Push: HTTP/2 enables the server to push resources to the client before they are requested, reducing the need for the client to make additional requests.
  • Binary protocol: HTTP/2 uses a binary protocol instead of the text-based protocol used by HTTP/1.1, which simplifies parsing and reduces overhead
  • Header Compression: HTTP/2 uses header compression to reduce the size of headers, which can significantly reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred
  • Security: HTTP/2 requires the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS), providing improved security and privacy over HTTP/1.1


Protocol Buffers (proto3) allows versioning through its schema. You can easily evolve your service over time by adding new fields or services while maintaining backward compatibility. Changes like adding fields are handled gracefully without breaking existing clients.

  • gRPC allows versioning of services using Protocol Buffers. As new features are added, backward compatibility is preserved by ensuring old clients still work with the updated server, provided that fields are added, not removed, or renamed.
  • To support multiple versions of a service, you can define separate services or methods in different .proto files and migrate gradually.


The server and client interact using the test.proto service definition, which ensures that both the client and server share a consistent API. Integration with other services, languages, or platforms is simplified, as long as they adhere to the same protobuf schema.

  • gRPC provides seamless integration between services, even if they are implemented in different programming languages.
  • Both the client and server use the same .proto definition, ensuring they share the same API contract. This is key for integrating microservices or heterogeneous systems.
  • gRPC’s language-agnostic nature allows integration between systems written in different languages (e.g., Python, Go, Java).

Code/Implementation Steps

  1. Protocol Buffers

Here’s a sample of Protocol Buffers code for efficient data serialization and communication.

syntax = “proto3”;

 package test;

 message Request {}

 message Response {}

 service TestService {
     rpc Test (Request) returns (Response);
  • This Protocol Buffers code defines a simple service with a Test RPC method. The Test method takes a Request message as input and returns a Response message.
  1. Setting up the server

    Setting up the server involves implementing the service logic and binding it to a network port for handling incoming requests.

    const grpc = require("@grpc / grpc - js");
    const protoLoader = require("@grpc / proto - loader");
    const path = require("path");
    const PROTO_PATH = path.join(__dirname, "definitions / test.proto");
    const protoDefinition = protoLoader.loadSync(PROTO_PATH, {
      keepCase: true,
      longs: String,
      enums: String,
      defaults: true,
    const protoDescriptor = grpc.loadPackageDefinition(protoDefinition);
    const Server = new grpc.Server();
    Server.addService(protoDescriptor.test.TestService.service, {
      test: (call, callback) => {
        callback(null, "Test");
    Server.bindAsync(" 50051", grpc.ServerCredentials.createInsecure(), () => {
      console.log("Server started on port ", 50051);
    • This code sets up a gRPC server using grpc and proto-loader, loading the test.proto file to define the service and methods.
    • It binds the server to port 50051 and implements the test method to send a simple "Test" response upon receiving a request.
  2. Setting up with client

    Setting up the client involves creating a stub to call the remote service method and sending the request to the server.

    const grpc = require("@grpc/grpc-js");
    const protoLoader = require("@grpc/proto-loader");
    const path = require("path");
    const PROTO_PATH = path.join(__dirname, "definitions/test.proto");
    const protoDefinition = protoLoader.loadSync(PROTO_PATH, {
      keepCase: true,
      longs: String,
      enums: String,
      defaults: true,
    const protoDescriptor = grpc.loadPackageDefinition(protoDefinition);
    // Create client with Test Service defined in protobuf
    const client = new protoDescriptor.test.TestService(
    // Call gRPC method
    client.test(null, () => {
      console.log("Server responded");
    • This code creates a gRPC client by loading the test.proto service definition and connecting to a server running on localhost:50051.
    • The client calls the test method of the TestService, and logs "Server responded" when the server returns a response.
Technology Used
Key Challenges and Solutions
Defining and Maintaining Consistent Service Interfaces
Defining and maintaining consistent service interfaces with Protocol Buffers.
Generating and Maintaining Client-Server Code
Generating and maintaining client-server code across multiple languages.
Ensuring Secure Communication
Ensuring secure communication between services.
Defining and Maintaining Consistent Service Interfaces
Use versioned APIs and clear naming conventions to manage schema evolution.
Generating and Maintaining Client-Server Code
Automate code generation with gRPC tools to ensure consistency and reduce human error.
Ensuring Secure Communication
Implement Transport Layer Security (TLS) and enforce strict authentication for all service interactions.
Results and Benefits
High Performance
High Performance
gRPC leverages HTTP/2 and Protocol Buffers, ensuring fast and efficient communication, especially for large-scale distributed systems with low latency requirements.
Strong API Contracts
Strong API Contracts
By using .proto files, both client and server are tightly coupled with a clear and consistent API contract, reducing the potential for errors and improving maintainability.
Language Agnostic
Language Agnostic
gRPC allows communication between applications written in different languages, as long as both implement the same service definitions in the .proto files, making it ideal for polyglot systems.
Best Practices and Recommendations
Use Versioning for Service Definitions
Use Versioning for Service Definitions
Always version your gRPC APIs to handle changes in service interfaces and message structures without breaking existing services. This ensures backward compatibility and smoother transitions during updates.
Automate Code Generation
Automate Code Generation
Leverage gRPC's built-in tools for automatic client-server code generation from Protocol Buffers definitions. This reduces manual errors and ensures consistency across different languages and environments.
Secure Communications with TLS
Secure Communications with TLS
Always enable Transport Layer Security (TLS) for gRPC communication, ensuring data is encrypted and that communication between microservices is secure and authenticated.
Implement Error Handling and Retries
Implement Error Handling and Retries
Handle errors gracefully and implement retry logic in your gRPC clients to ensure that temporary service disruptions don’t lead to system failures.
Minimize Latency with Connection Pooling
Minimize Latency with Connection Pooling
Use connection pooling for gRPC clients and servers to minimize connection overhead and reduce latency, especially in high-throughput systems.
Use gRPC's Deadlines and Timeouts
Use gRPC's Deadlines and Timeouts
Set appropriate deadlines and timeouts for requests to prevent calls from hanging indefinitely, especially in distributed systems with variable network conditions.


In conclusion, gRPC is a powerful and flexible RPC framework that offers high performance, strong typing, interoperability, and security. It is an ideal choice for building modern, cloud-native applications and microservices that require efficient and scalable communication between services. With its support for multiple programming languages, bi-directional streaming, and binary serialization, gRPC can significantly reduce latency and improve throughput, while providing a strongly-typed API that is easy to maintain and evolve over time. Overall, gRPC is a great choice for building distributed systems that require high performance, scalability, and interoperability.


  • gRPC io

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