Blow away your styles with Tailwind CSS!
Swarup Bam
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5 min read


If you are a front-end developer and unless you are living in a cave for a long time, you must have heard about Tailwind CSS at least once. And just like me, you must have also discarded it, assuming it is like one more UI framework. When I heard Tailwind CSS for the first time I thought it is a UI framework just like Material or Bootstrap. But, after using it for more than a year, I was completely wrong!

In this blog, let’s understand what Tailwind CSS is all about and how it helps in writing better CSS.

Background and Problem Statement
Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that allows developers to build modern, responsive designs quickly by composing pre-defined utility classes directly in the HTML. Its approach eliminates the need for writing custom CSS, making styling more efficient and maintainable.
Time-Consuming Custom CSS
Traditional CSS development often requires writing extensive custom styles, leading to longer development times and repetitive code.
Inconsistent Design
Managing consistency across large projects can be challenging when relying on custom CSS, especially with multiple developers.
Overloaded Stylesheets
Unused or redundant CSS can accumulate over time, resulting in overloaded stylesheets that slow down the website.
Limited Customization in Frameworks
Many CSS frameworks provide pre-built components but offer limited flexibility, making it hard to adapt to unique design requirements.

What is Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind is a CSS framework that provides utility classes to build the components. It doesn’t provide any ready-to-use components like Accordion, Cards, etc rather it provides utility classes like mt-4, flex-col that you can use to build your own components.

tailwindCSS in action

Consider this like Lodash. Lodash provides utility functions that we use to write the business logic. We often use Loadsh functions like flatten, groupBy as it is and I don’t ever remember writing my own definition for these functions. In the same way, Tailwind provides utility classes to apply margin, padding, height, etc rather, it provides all the possible CSS properties.

Let’s see how to configure and use the tailwind.

Using Tailwind with React

For the sake of the demonstration, I have configured Tailwind in a very crude way. This isn’t the best way to install tailwind. Use this only for the development perspective.

Now, Let’s create a simple card component that will display an image, title, and description. I have embedded the code sandbox which has the entire code.

Let’s look at the core components;

Tailwind.config —

This is the root file for any project that uses Tailwind. This is the configuration file that lets you define all the CSS-related configurations like spacing, colors, background image, border-radius, etc. This is an optional file and if no such file is found in the project Tailwind falls back to the default configuration file. We don’t need to define everything at once. We can always add the properties when required. You can find the tailwind configuration in the public/index.html

One thing to note is — Tailwind uses the configuration file to resolve the CSS classes. So let’s say if we do not define the “200” in the spacing section and we apply the h-200 (height:200px) or rather any spacing (mt-200, w-200, etc) related class. The class will not be applied and we won’t notice any change in the UI. This is because there is no entry for “200” in the configuration file. If you face such an issue, first check if the tailwind config file has the right properties.

App.js —

This is the container component that displays the Card component.

Card.js —

This is the card component that we have developed with Tailwind. The real beauty is we haven’t created any separate CSS file for this component. We have just applied the appropriate class names which we would have applied anyways even without Tailwind. If you look at the applied classes, these are very self-explanatory. One can easily know which class actually applies to which property.

Technology Used
Results and Benefits
Customization and Flexibility
Customization and Flexibility
Tailwind CSS offers an easily customizable configuration file where you can define your design system, including colors, fonts, spacing, and breakpoints.
Component Agnosticism
Component Agnosticism
Unlike component libraries that come with pre-designed components, Tailwind allows you to create custom components without being restricted to predefined styles.
Responsive Design Made Easy
Responsive Design Made Easy
Tailwind provides built-in responsive utility classes that make it easy to create responsive designs without writing custom media queries.
Rapid Prototyping
Rapid Prototyping
With its comprehensive set of utility classes, Tailwind enables rapid prototyping directly in the browser.
Community and Ecosystem
Community and Ecosystem
Tailwind CSS has a vibrant community and a growing ecosystem, including plugins, UI kits, and themes.
Best Practices and Recommendations
Adopt a Mobile-First Approach
Adopt a Mobile-First Approach
Tailwind encourages a mobile-first design methodology, which is an industry standard in modern web development.
Utilize Tailwind UI
Utilize Tailwind UI
A library of pre-designed components built with Tailwind CSS. Tailwind UI provides a robust set of components, from navigation bars to form elements.
Leverage Tailwind’s PurgeCSS
Leverage Tailwind’s PurgeCSS
By configuring PurgeCSS, you can automatically remove unused CSS, reducing the final file size and improving performance.
Use Tailwind’s Configuration File
Use Tailwind’s Configuration File
This file allows you to extend the default theme, add new utility classes, and even define custom screens and breakpoints.

Advantages of using Tailwind CSS

“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” — Phil Karlson

The biggest advantage of using Tailwind is we don’t have to worry about how to define the CSS classes. We don’t have to think about whether the class name should be a container or wrapper. It lets developers focus on building the components rather than worrying about how to define the classes. Moreover, this also eliminates the usage of CSS methodologies like BEM.

Another thing I really liked about Tailwind is that the CSS is coupled with a component or JSX. Whenever there is a need to delete the component, deleting that component would actually erase all the CSS as well. We don’t have to worry about unused CSS or any side effects.

Initially, there will be some time spent figuring out the appropriate classes. But this is just a matter of weeks. Once you get used to it, you will hardly refer to the documentation. Like I said before, don’t worry about building the configuration file. We don’t have to write it in one shot. I remember, we started with a very basic configuration and we kept on modifying it as required.

That’s it, folks. Let me know in the comments how was your experience with Tailwind CSS.

References and Further Reading

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